... Deliver to Your Client's Heart in Pasadena and So Cal

... Deliver to Your Client's Heart in Pasadena and So Cal

Effective content writing reaches the heart of your audience's need.

The phrasing we create must do 4 things quickly:

1. Grab your audience's attention

2. mirror their problem to them

3. show them your solution

4. move them to take action 

After thorough planning and message development, I’ll apply the findings to position you as a solution provider—like pouring water into different shaped containers.

  • Website copy with headlines that show the benefit and sub-heads to make visitors want more and an About page that’s lively and connects you with the reader.
  • Long-form content like blog post articles on your site and third-party sites
  • A 10-plus chapter book (about 80 to 100 pages) to showcase a key problem your audience has, how you solve it, and how their lives have improved.
  • Power up your social media profiles and postings, especially LinkedIn, and lay the groundwork for messaging on video (YouTube or Vimeo) and podcasts, if applicable.